Monday, 28 December 2009

Weaver - トキドキセカイ (Tokidoki Sekai)

世界ができて何年だっけ? それぞれが一度きりの偶然
その中で出会えたんだ 同じ時を生きたんだ
僕らで作り出した邂逅 時間空間光を越えて
歩き出す時の回廊 そんな奇跡は信じないか?

時は常に 淀みなく流れてくまま
だって壊れてる 巻き戻しもできない
信じてるか? 信じてるよ
やっとここでまた出会えたよ キラキラ

光が僕の手をひく時を そうだ
不安にさせたかい? 僕もそうだった


終わりは来ない 鮮明だし 痛みも伴う
だって夢じゃない 永遠に続いてく
ねぇつまりさ はいカットで 終わるよな物語じゃない
まだまだ 辿り着くその先は 時を越え…

光が僕の手をひく時を そうだ
怖くたって 震えたって 光を目指す



Attempt of translation (not very sure about it!! Gomen!)

In which year has the world been made?
Was it all a coincidence?
We met in this world, alive at the same time,
it started with a casual meeting
across time and space

Walking in that corridor
Could you believe that miracle?
Time never stops
Scattered everywhere
I can’t have anything back
Do you believe it? I do.
In the end we meet here once again
Everything around us is shining
Is that a sign?

In the darkness I hide myself
Waiting for the moment I’ll meet you
The light arrives when you take my hand
It’s really like that

We had to walk slowly in a crowded place
My heart got attached to that and was broken
Were you so worried?
I was too.

Here the memories should vanish
During that casual meeting,
whose face was that?
We exchanged a request for love
Time certainly can’t go back

Meeting you again would be so nice
The end is not approaching
Even the pain is getting less strong
But it’s not a dream
It’ll go on forever

And you know, in the end
There was a stop
The story is not over yet
Finally arrived at this point
Time is over

In the darkness I hide myself
Waiting for the moment I’ll meet you
The light arrives when you take my hand
Even the image created by the landscape
Breaks my whole heart
Even if scary, even if I’m trembling,
I’ll keep following the light
If I can do it

That was a simple thing
But there were more thoughts than time
When we said “nice to meet you” at our new meeting
You must have known that
I’ve certainly already met your face.

>>>> I posted the romanized lyrics on LyricWiki! <<<<


alechan said...

Thank you so much for the translation!
I'm loving this band so much!

The lyrics are amazing! ^^

Hachiko said...

Oh, I'm really glad that you appreciated it =) !
I like this song a lot too ^^

Anonymous said...

thanks sooo much for posting this
i have been searching for this forever!!!
thanks soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hachiko said...

I'm happy it was useful to you :D !!! You're very welcome ^__^ !!