Bell'editoriale dell'ultimo numero di Wired <3 (Italian only... sorry ._.)
Login: L’Editoriale di Riccardo Luna
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Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Login: L’Editoriale di Riccardo Luna
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Friday, 17 July 2009
Graduation and other (useless) updates
It seems I'm not updating the blog from a loooong time! xD
No one should have missed it though ^^'' the problem is that social networks completely absorbed my on-line activity.. and I'm also lazy, of course.
Since last post some wonderful things happened!!!
For example I went on a short but exciting journey to Scotland ♥
It was a great experience since I was able to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow and to meet some friends who live there! It was really lovely and I'm looking forward to go back there and visit also other parts of Scotland *-*
Last week I even graduated!
After months of work my dissertation resulted quite a long work and even if I was very nervous about it, my professors appreciated it and gave me the highest votation ^-^
It was so satisfying! It really has been an important experience which gave me some self-confidence and some aspirations for the future, I didn't expect that, but it is such a good thing.
I also didn't want anyone around during the discussion (I get more nervous if people are listening >.< ) but in the end, I was so focused on my work I hardly noticed them and it was quite a good sensation being hugged and complimented once the discussion was finished, I must admit it. Compliments on my intellect makes me weak and I give in to happiness. Among the big news there's also my new kitty ^-^ aww, he's lovely. Lively and lovely.
Yesterday night I watched Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. I must say that I'm a huge fan of the HP books but usually not very satisfied with the films adaptations. Despite this, this one was spectacular *-* some scenes were just perfect!!!
I enjoyed very much the initial scene filmed in London (London... I miss you), and the whole plot was very well balanced and structured and didn't leave too many things behind (only a few... but that can't be helped). Unfortunately there weren't enough scenes involving the Weasley twins ._. pity.
My current obsessions (they change from time to time) are: the Internet (but that's a constant), Youtube, Twitter, the Phelps twins, David Tennant, the English accents (that's also kind of a constant), Dark Cabaret music, Web Marketing, Python (the programming language). And I want to travel... to the Uk of course, or to Ireland.
Ooh and I bought my new archery bow finally!!
It's black... and cool *-*
I'm also going to see a Placebo's concert tomorrow! I'm excited about it but I hope the weather will be cooler than today, cause now it's impossible to stand -_-
What about holidays? I have no real holidays.. I mean, of course I have nothing to do (one of the reasons why I'm writing here), but I can't travel.. and I have to find a temporary job >.<>
I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come home.. so he will also lend me his notebook and I can watch Dr Who seasons in HD *-* .. that's what he promises me when I'm angry (I'm often angry, so I expect at least all Tennant's seasons please).
The positive note (at least for me) is that I decided to go on studying next year and apply for a Master degree in Information and Technology opened to students from other courses. I feel like this graduation experience opened my mind more than all the University courses as a whole did, and on a deeper level, I'm trying to learn and derive my strenght from my curiousity and my desire of knowdledge. That's what makes me go on in some hard moments and even if it sounds silly, it's a new awareness that helps me going on and relying on myself. I want to feel part of the world by learning and working with other people on things that are not merely made of words and opinions but that are built on a logical basis and that can innovate the world and get rid of old schemes. I'm not making my point very clear, I know, but it's not easy.
I feel like most of my knowdledge so far is a train without a proper rail.. it makes me feel incomplete.
Well, I think that this monologue can stop here... I was just annoyed by this non-updated blog!! xD
See you :) (?)
No one should have missed it though ^^'' the problem is that social networks completely absorbed my on-line activity.. and I'm also lazy, of course.
Since last post some wonderful things happened!!!
For example I went on a short but exciting journey to Scotland ♥
It was a great experience since I was able to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow and to meet some friends who live there! It was really lovely and I'm looking forward to go back there and visit also other parts of Scotland *-*
Last week I even graduated!
After months of work my dissertation resulted quite a long work and even if I was very nervous about it, my professors appreciated it and gave me the highest votation ^-^
It was so satisfying! It really has been an important experience which gave me some self-confidence and some aspirations for the future, I didn't expect that, but it is such a good thing.
I also didn't want anyone around during the discussion (I get more nervous if people are listening >.< ) but in the end, I was so focused on my work I hardly noticed them and it was quite a good sensation being hugged and complimented once the discussion was finished, I must admit it. Compliments on my intellect makes me weak and I give in to happiness. Among the big news there's also my new kitty ^-^ aww, he's lovely. Lively and lovely.
Yesterday night I watched Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. I must say that I'm a huge fan of the HP books but usually not very satisfied with the films adaptations. Despite this, this one was spectacular *-* some scenes were just perfect!!!
I enjoyed very much the initial scene filmed in London (London... I miss you), and the whole plot was very well balanced and structured and didn't leave too many things behind (only a few... but that can't be helped). Unfortunately there weren't enough scenes involving the Weasley twins ._. pity.
My current obsessions (they change from time to time) are: the Internet (but that's a constant), Youtube, Twitter, the Phelps twins, David Tennant, the English accents (that's also kind of a constant), Dark Cabaret music, Web Marketing, Python (the programming language). And I want to travel... to the Uk of course, or to Ireland.
Ooh and I bought my new archery bow finally!!
It's black... and cool *-*
I'm also going to see a Placebo's concert tomorrow! I'm excited about it but I hope the weather will be cooler than today, cause now it's impossible to stand -_-
What about holidays? I have no real holidays.. I mean, of course I have nothing to do (one of the reasons why I'm writing here), but I can't travel.. and I have to find a temporary job >.<>
I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come home.. so he will also lend me his notebook and I can watch Dr Who seasons in HD *-* .. that's what he promises me when I'm angry (I'm often angry, so I expect at least all Tennant's seasons please).
The positive note (at least for me) is that I decided to go on studying next year and apply for a Master degree in Information and Technology opened to students from other courses. I feel like this graduation experience opened my mind more than all the University courses as a whole did, and on a deeper level, I'm trying to learn and derive my strenght from my curiousity and my desire of knowdledge. That's what makes me go on in some hard moments and even if it sounds silly, it's a new awareness that helps me going on and relying on myself. I want to feel part of the world by learning and working with other people on things that are not merely made of words and opinions but that are built on a logical basis and that can innovate the world and get rid of old schemes. I'm not making my point very clear, I know, but it's not easy.
I feel like most of my knowdledge so far is a train without a proper rail.. it makes me feel incomplete.
Well, I think that this monologue can stop here... I was just annoyed by this non-updated blog!! xD
See you :) (?)
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Labels: archery, future, graduation, harry potter, news, placebo, scotland